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Arc Suite New Development Intake Form
Created by Eric Teschemacher
Created on May 20, 2022

Manage Shareholder Reporting User Interface - ArcReporting Dashboard Optimization


To provide a dynamic user experience for Fund Administrators and Asset Managers using ArcReporting product that supports a standardized workflow and increases transparency & real-time collaboration between clients, auditors and internal teams.


•A single location to access data relating to the financial reporting cycle

•Progress indicators on financial reporting cycle tasks and timeframes

•Increased transparency into workflow and a clear indication of each users assignments

•Decreased operational risk through improved communications and version control

•Improves data captured during cycle to address issues and identify service opportunities


ArcReporting user interface, dashboard view that shows a shareholder reporting summary with capabilities for oversight including but not limited to: "My Drafts", "My Approvals", "My Comments", "My Alerts", "My Calendar" with ability to filter by Reporting Period Year, Filter by Reporting Period Quarter, Filter by Reporting Period Month, and Filter by Cycle. This would include search capabilities to drill down into a List View into the production calendar with data fields such as Fund, Group / Series, Cycle Type, Tasks/Milestones, Description, Due Date, Date Delivered, Day Difference, Assigned To elements. The Dashboard View would have a feature to access a Draft Review with comments before the release (pending, open, reviewed, declined). It would also have a dashboard for Shareholder Reporting Metrics on Timeliness with charts showing (Cycle Statistics, Timeliness of Tasks, Timeliness of Drafts Delivered, Timeliness of Approvals, and On-Time Completion Card).

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